Noise Dose Terms and Definitions .....
see also our Sound Exposure Terms and Definitions page.Noise Dose is the total sound exposure normalised to an 8-hour working day.
The 8 hour level is also known as the LEP,d : daily personal noise exposure or LEX,8h.
The Noise Dose Criterion Level in the UK, is currently 85 dBA and if anyone is exposed to a time-weighted average noise level of 85 dBA during an 8-hour period their noise dose is 100%.
Employers must assess and identify measures to eliminate or reduce risks from exposure to noise, in order to protect the hearing of their employees.
The British and ISO Standards are based on the 3 dB exchange rate, which means noise levels of 88 dBA have twice as much energy as levels of 85 dBA. It follows that if 85 dBA = 100% noise dose, then 88 dBA = 200% noise dose and therefore the maximum exposure time is restricted to 4 hours per shift - ergo twice the level means half the timeSee also EAV : exposure action value • ELV : exposure limit value
Noise Dose Meters record the Pa2·h (pascal-squared hour) levels.
For a given period of time, an increase of 10 dBA in sound pressure level corresponds to a tenfold increase in the noise dose.
1 Pa2·h = 100% Noise Dose = 85 LAeq(8 h) = 85 dBA for 8 hours.0.2 Pa2 = 78.0 LAeq,8 h
0.5 Pa2 = 81.9 LAeq,8 h
1 Pa2 = 84.9 LAeq,8 h = 100% Noise Dose
2 Pa2 = 88.0 LAeq,8 h
5 Pa2 = 91.9 LAeq,8 h
10 Pa2 = 94.8 LAeq,8 h
The Noise Dose examples above assume the UK and EU default criterion time of 8 hours and exchange rate of Q = 3
See also projected noise dose • noise dose threshold levelRelated Terms - alphabetic listing
See also exposure action value • exposure limit value
Also known as a noise dosemeter and a sound exposure meter
Personal Hearing Protectors
See also sound exposure • personal sound exposure meter